
Posted on 2017.10.05

The time has come to tender my resignation from Cupid’s. It isn’t without a bit of sadness that I do this, what began as a ‘means to an end’ became a place where I found friendship and support. You and your staff have always been there for me through ups and downs and that is truly what separates Cupid’s from every other agency. Your ability to surround yourself with the best people is something that will continue to carry this company forward. Thank you so very much for the opportunity to improve myself and my life. Thank you for never pressuring me for more than I could give and offering me your friendship. During my time here I have been able to achieve financial independence and know what true freedom feels like. Above all else, thank you for believing in second chances. I will never regret being able to have called myself a ‘Cupid’. But I will regret going to Mexico with you and being subjected to your non stop midget orgy; that my friend, was a little much even for this seasoned girl.

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