The Internet Makes the Sex Industry Safer: The Economist Reports

Posted on 2014.09.19

The Economist conducted a study on prostitution and its move into the online realm. Their article references Canada’s decision to change its laws and how countries that choose to follow after the Swedish model are making a mistake, since this model has been proven ineffective in the Nordic countries where it’s used. The Internet has made prostitution safer for those involved in online forums. Buyers and sellers of sexual services can gain more information from each other before meeting face to face and with the increased ability to screen clientele, people working in the industry are now safer than ever. This is a good thing for sex industry participants on all sides, but it’s bad for governments straining to keep adults in check. The Internet is a difficult area to police, so any laws regarding the eradication of prostitution will have to deal with the finicky, Wild West space that is the World Wide Web.

Read the full article and listen to their audio discussion on Prostitution: A personal choice.

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