First Timer Etiquette

Posted on 2013.05.09

The first time calling Cupid’s you might be nervous. The fantasy of the media meets the riskiness of the streetwalker in the minds of most novices in such a way that leaves them uncertain of what to expect. So to clear your mind to think naughtier thoughts, Cupids would like to present: 4 Steps to Losing Your Escort Virginity.

1. Make it seem like a Date
The first time you encounter your lady shouldn’t be anywhere near a bed. It’s the first time you’re meeting your date – of course the courting stage will be a little faster than most, regardless, treat your meeting like a date for a more intimate expreince.

“Just because they’re a sex worker doesn’t mean they’re not a person first.” – Miss Jillian Hollander

2. Hygiene
Smell like a million bucks. Good hygiene goes a long way, and makes up for the fact that you’re not the Old Spice guy. Shower beforehand with soap and use deodorant because your date will definitely be able to tell if you don’t. And don’t forget about oral hygiene, brush your teeth, use mouth wash or even gum goes a long way. Cleanliness also extends to your surroundings: nothing like tripping over laundry mountains and pizza boxes to ruin the mood!

“Smelly breath and smelly balls isn’t anyone’s thing” – Miss Jillian Hollander

3. Money
Since this part has the least to do with intimacy it’s best to get business out of the way before getting down to “business”. Here are some quick tips:

  • • Have the donation in an unsealed envelope with her name on it (so she knows it’s hers).
  • • Put it in an obvious location, like a coffee table.
  • • The donation has already been agreed upon beforehand and it isn’t classy to treat your date like an armchair you’re trying to buy. It is your fantasy, after all.

“Money doesn’t mean you own the person,” – Miss Jillian Hollander

4. Be a gentleman
After all, manners are sexy. Some things to avoid would be:
Prying questions into the lady’s personal life/ income/ cell number and treating her anything less than a lady.

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