But what about the men? – Safety for male escorts an ignored issue, The Telegraph reports

Posted on 2014.11.07

When people think of prostitutes they normally think of women, but in the U.K. the numbers show that almost half of all people working in the sex industry are in fact men.

Male escorts are on the rise, but information about them working in the industry is sparse because most studies on health and safety focus on women escorts and their male clients, leaving the men in the industry largely unaccounted for. Male and female escorts face similar dangers in the workplace, from violent clients to contracting STIs, but health studies and support for these individuals is largely geared towards women because of societies generalized and stereotypical view of the profession. The Telegraph addresses this issue in an article online that says any government that doesn’t include male escorts in their national statistics are ignorant of today’s sex industry and are out of touch and ill-equipped to deal with the dangers men in the industry face. They go on to express that only by recognizing these male workers can governments take a step in the right direction to provide support and appropriate regulation. Basically, that regardless of gender, all escorts should be accounted for and given equal access to health and safety support systems. Read the full story here.

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